
Finally a new post...

It's been a while since my last post, and boy have been busy. I started the Game Arts program at Seneca College in September  and I finally have something worth posting. This is an assignment I did in my environment modeling class, the goal is to recreate a scene from a piece of concept art. I actually choose a scene from one of my favorite movie in recent years, guess what.

That's right the answer is Inglorious Basterds


Rob Finlay said...

Wow, man, that's badass! I didn't know you were taking that program. How are you liking it?

Kyu-bum Lee said...

Looks solid. Great work!

Lawrence Lam said...

Very nice work!

Ashley Jin Kim said...

Nice work! I love that old office from Inglorious Basterds. I'd love to hear how the game design program is and whether you feel it is worth it because I've heard similar negative things about Seneca and Sheridan's 3D programs.