
Comic Page Exercise

I've been taking a comic class and it's lots of fun. I just did this page for practice.



Some new paintings

I started doing chuistream contests again. The topics where picked by the artists being interviewed (Derek Thompson and Aaron Hartline). Their topics where Godzilla and Mr. "something"-head (a variation from a scene in Toy Story 3).


Windmill + Turtle

I started a painting of a windmill and I got bored so I added a turtle. I don't think I'm going to finish it.



More background paintings

Here are some more paintings from my film. Hopefully I can pick up the speed and have more up.


Scene 8

This is the first completed scene in my film. Well, almost complete. The background needs a bit more work and I might throw in some more effects later. I spent a little more time on this scene then I would have liked, but it's the first one and now I know how fast I need to work inorder to complete my film in time.

Sc08_Work Flow Test from Dawnson Chen on Vimeo.

Also here is another background I paint a while ago. I just never gotten around to post it.